
Friday, February 6, 2015

I work with Donald Trump

Before Donald Trump arrived on the scene with his White Master Race spiel (good concept,) I had already met my own personal Donald Trump a month before in the form of a hairy white middle-aged 300 lb low-level clerk chick with a beard and stubby legs.

This hairy beast could give old Playboy Donald a run for his money. Back in the good old days, Old Donald was really just interested in stuffing his face and supermodels. Sure he may have always hated minorities but at least he had something going on in his life so that the vitriol, as bad as it was, was not as toxic as an overweight unloved hairy white middle-aged chick who had reached middle age without accomplishing anything except cellulite.

Now here was someone who really knew  how to give the uppity minorities a sound thrashing and put them in back in their broken boots! Hail to the White Queen. Finally someone Pat Buchanan could be proud of. Any day Bill O Reilly, Roger Ailes and Sean Hannity are not in the mood to thrash the coloreds, they should plug in to this fat bitch.

In NYC, low level clerks are stupid and hot. Here they are stupid and SCARY.

This White Queen is always flopping her fat pussy in the hallway. In front of the owners she runs around twirling and giggling in the hallways like a virginal schoolgirl - a 500 lb jelly beast shaking the office as though ISIS has just launched an attack in the lobby.