
Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've been thinking of marrying Thomas Coolidge III. Tom has always been in love with me and is an established investment banker, - Managing Director Swaps and Derivatives of a famous English bank. If I married him and moved into his penthouse overlooking Central Park - there would be no more worries. No more weird temps, no more cheap recruiters. I could have Tom's babies and push the stroller on beautiful days in my Blahniks like other hot moms. But I fear, Tom is a bit of a pervert, like so many investment bankers. They are all look poised and well-bred from the outside but on the inside they are just as piggish as Ludacris or one of those big bulky rap fellows that call women whores or "hoes" or whatever and slap their behinds in MTV videos. Sitting in front of the computer for 12-14 hours a day in tight pants sends the sperm to their heads or something. They are all into online pron, trips to strip clubs. Tom would never show that side to me because I am from his social circle and his equal but I bet he is a real animal with his plump Hispanic secretaries and strippers.