
Thursday, October 31, 2013


What is it with all these old rich Republicans going on and on about banning abortion. Take away their money and strap them with six kids - a couple of them handicapped and mentally challenged and let's see how fast they will believe in abortion.

They are all for the rights of fetuses but don't want to help the fetus in terms of affordable healthcare, food stamps, welfare once it comes out of the uterus.

One would think for all their hatred for immigrants they would be so much for offering these people free abortion. The fact is some kids should be aborted. Anyone can have a kid but not every one can raise it to be a decent human being. Some parents really should not be having kids. Make abortion as free and easily available as possible, I say. Let's get rid of the deadwood.

This world makes no wonder I stick to my shopping.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


First I was delighted to hear about Obamacare. I figured if I could save a couple hundred bucks a month and put them towards my botox injections.

However, now that I have been shopping around on the site [when it works] I have discovered these plans are not so great and not all that different from pre-Obamacare plans.

The new plans are cheap but they all require HUGE deductibles even to just see a doctor. So I would have to pay $300 a month for a plan PLUS $3000 deductible before I can go in to see a doctor via insurance. Since I just need to see a few doctors a year why don't I just pay out of pocket $170-200 per visit and save the $300/month for insurance. Bottom line is the healthcare plans being offered via government SUCK. Who the hell is going to be able to afford them?

Healthcare plans with no deductibles run $600/month SAME  as BEFORE Obamacare. These are the plans one gets through employers.

Obamacare is better then temp agency plans which require $200/month and limit your coverage to $1000 but they are not as great as I originally thought. More research is required though as I just can't believe the government would force us to buy such expensive insurance.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Aunt Fluffy was going on the other  day about how one should be careful while writing emails and blogging due to the NSA spies. Read on NSA, I say. I hope someone finds out about my sad and pathetic life [from princess to pauper] and helps me!!

How can someone like me become trapped in such a tawdry ugly world!! At the mercy of low level recruiters and weird employers. I was born and raised so well and had Dad not died I would have been a princess indeed. All I want is a decent job with decent people - with some Old Fashioned values such as honor, integrity, manners, good breeding and good looks - and not to be treated like a Hebrew Slave. Is that toooo much for a girl to ask for?

Read on NSA - maybe you will get a better picture of the REAL PROBLEMS you should be focusing on. The real terror for most people is the economy and how to eke out a living with some pride and dignity and not die in the streets in torn underwear. Or in my case, in clothes from the Gap or Banana Republic -- uuuugh. So middle class.