
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


First, let me say that I am not a rascist. If you are  good-looking, stylish, funny, sharp-tongued, saucy and sassy I don't care what color you are. People like us are few and far between and we need to stick together. 

If you are fat, dull, boring, ugly etc. - again it doesn't matter what color you are. I will simply ignore your fat, dull, ugly boring face. That's the old WASP way. Which brings me to the Republican Party. What happened to the old rascism? Where you just smiled and patted minorities on the back and invited them into your tent and listened to their pathetic sob stories and gave them fake caring old smile and told them good things come to those who are patient and hard-working [like in a 100 years! he he]. You know kind of string them along without inflaming them - blame it on Jesus and the meek shall inherit the earth. Nowadays Republicans are busy actually spewing the nasty thoughts we all kept hidden for so long. Calling people macaca, telling Hispanics to self-deport blah, blah, blah. Too much informtion white people!! You don't actually have to tell these people what you think of them - go back to when we just ignored them!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Enough all ready with all this immigration shimmigration bullshit. Have these people who are advocating for immigration actually ever lived with immigrants? Living in NYC, you can't avoid them.  I have nothing against most of them [especially the Indians and Chinese, they are quite docile] and I don't really have an opinion about Hispanic women [although the younger ghetto Hispanic chicks in NYC think they are JLo after buying one Coach knock-off from Chinatown] as long as they keep their distance and in the pantry where they belong. But I totally detest blue-collar Hispanic men - especially middle-aged ones. They all look like hungry sexual wolves ALL the time. They are always drooling -anything female, even an old diseased goat, and their eyes light up like the Rockefeller Xmas tree. They are always leering, glinting..why are they so hyper-sexualized? Is it the toxic pork they eat? Too much lard? In any case, I am just sick of their harrassment. Most of them look disgusting anyway - unwashed, missing teeth, droppy stomachs, Rikers Island goatees...  the only good thing is that they make me throw up so I don't have to stick my finger down my throat like I normally have to. They also make me lose my appetite - so I guess they are good for dietary control. All these immigration do-gooders should be locked in a room with one Hispanic man and let's see how fast they change their minds after that. Keep the women and children, ship out the Hispanic men.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I am not sure I want to be a lawyer anymore. I did it because of Dad and frankly because I had his protection from his cronies while he was alive. But now that I have to fend for myself in this largely lawless profession, it is a little scary. I had heard quite a bit of shady stories from Dad but I had no idea it was this bad. It's a ruthless capitalist machine that will suck the soul out of you - if you have one. If you don't you won't notice the difference.

I've had drooling old partners in diapers make advances to me, punish me with inhuman work if I don't kowtow to them or express a valid opinion or have a life outside of work. I have been temping for a while as I just can't stand to have a full-time job in Big Law anymore. I hope to open my art gallery in Soho soon. But Dad's finances were not all that great when he died. He had made quite a bit of bad investments. So now all I have is my penthouse on Fifth. my wardrobe, my style and my moxie. I suppose old Ivy will have to go out fight like Scarlett O'Hara. Fortunately, I don't have to make clothes with old drapes! Yikes....can you imagine walking on the east side in upholstery.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've been thinking of marrying Thomas Coolidge III. Tom has always been in love with me and is an established investment banker, - Managing Director Swaps and Derivatives of a famous English bank. If I married him and moved into his penthouse overlooking Central Park - there would be no more worries. No more weird temps, no more cheap recruiters. I could have Tom's babies and push the stroller on beautiful days in my Blahniks like other hot moms. But I fear, Tom is a bit of a pervert, like so many investment bankers. They are all look poised and well-bred from the outside but on the inside they are just as piggish as Ludacris or one of those big bulky rap fellows that call women whores or "hoes" or whatever and slap their behinds in MTV videos. Sitting in front of the computer for 12-14 hours a day in tight pants sends the sperm to their heads or something. They are all into online pron, trips to strip clubs. Tom would never show that side to me because I am from his social circle and his equal but I bet he is a real animal with his plump Hispanic secretaries and strippers.