
Friday, February 6, 2015

I work with Donald Trump

Before Donald Trump arrived on the scene with his White Master Race spiel (good concept,) I had already met my own personal Donald Trump a month before in the form of a hairy white middle-aged 300 lb low-level clerk chick with a beard and stubby legs.

This hairy beast could give old Playboy Donald a run for his money. Back in the good old days, Old Donald was really just interested in stuffing his face and supermodels. Sure he may have always hated minorities but at least he had something going on in his life so that the vitriol, as bad as it was, was not as toxic as an overweight unloved hairy white middle-aged chick who had reached middle age without accomplishing anything except cellulite.

Now here was someone who really knew  how to give the uppity minorities a sound thrashing and put them in back in their broken boots! Hail to the White Queen. Finally someone Pat Buchanan could be proud of. Any day Bill O Reilly, Roger Ailes and Sean Hannity are not in the mood to thrash the coloreds, they should plug in to this fat bitch.

In NYC, low level clerks are stupid and hot. Here they are stupid and SCARY.

This White Queen is always flopping her fat pussy in the hallway. In front of the owners she runs around twirling and giggling in the hallways like a virginal schoolgirl - a 500 lb jelly beast shaking the office as though ISIS has just launched an attack in the lobby.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Edward Snowden's revelations did not come a HUGE surprise to me. Come on, I think a lot of us have always suspected we are being traced on the phone, Internet, watching TV and porn, just walking around, - esp. in DC. Still it's good this young man came out and got us all talking.

The fact is the world today is not what it seems. Uncle Rockefeller has often being accused of being part of some international capitalist cabal that wants to put a chip in everyone and manage the "serfs" - I don't know if the rich are that cold and perverted although looking at their faces [Uncle Rocky, Prescott Bush, Cheney] they all do look the Dark Horsemen [and could use a facial or two.]

Still, it's time people in this country got out of their mental Snuggies, got off their comatose fat diets, their drugs and their sports and their porn, their Ipods and Ipads and Reality TV and actually looked around at what is happening in the world around them. Americans are really not all that hard to control. We are all so used to being comfortable and numb and feasting on goodies - you could take all our liberties and we would not realize it. JUST DON'T TOUCH OUR TV OR FOOD.

Friday, November 29, 2013


 Every floozie in a discount Calvin Klein dress from Marshall's and pair of fake pearls is now a "political strategist" on MSNBC. Who are these chicks fucking to become these "strategist" because nothing great every really comes out of their lip-glossed mouth. People like Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes have worked in trenches and have gravitas. But who are all these other screaming chicks? If they can be on TV, it can't be all that hard. TV would be lucky to have someone with my looks and education. I wouldn't even have to say anything - people would be just happy to look at me. I should become a Labor Political Strategist and discuss the ruthless and exploitative temp market and expose the pimps - i.e. recruiting agencies.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Every holiday season we have to see Uncle Ned - some fourth cousin on Dad's side. The two could not be more different. While Dad was a well travelled cosmopolite who had seen how the other half lives, Uncle Ned is a cold isolationist - never venturing outside the U.S. or even the blue-blooded WASP community. Although he has a penis, Uncle Ned is really a mean old woman in menopause. His mission in old age has become to publicly humiliate minorities. 

Just the other day we met up with some friends from work at  a party and this Hispanic cancer doctor at Mt Sinai, husband of one of my co-workers, grabbed a drink off the bar. Uncle Ned who was a mile away began acting as though this guy had cut in front of me and began heaving and huffing and saying "EXCUSE ME" in an exaggerated gentlemanly way as though to point out to the rest of the gathering look how refined at I am even when pushed aside by a unbred brown man. Then he made eye contact with the rest of the white people there and smiled knowingly and most of them smiled back in support. The poor doctor just sputtered and apologized and turned as red - as much as he could under that brown skin!

Then he pulled the same shit on some Indian woman in the supermarket. She too apologized and looked sheepish under the withering gaze of Uncle Ned and all the old white people around.

But Uncle Ned finally got his comeuppance on day on the bus as he tried to make some professional African woman feel bad about herself - again starting the "EXCUSE ME" routine as she walked the aisle acting as though she was not leaving room for anyone else although there was half a mile between the two of them. I don't know what this bitch was on [good for her, though] but she just said as loud as she could "Shut the fuck up you mean old Queen." That shut Uncle Ned up for a while as well as the all the old white people who were so looking forward to looking at each other and smiling at the foibles of some minority. They all went back to their iphones or rubbing their genitals under their overcoats. But I know he will start again. Such an embarrassment. I wish he would just limit his racist tirades to the confines of the living room as we all do.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Isn't is kind of racist to keep calling Prez. Obama the first black president? Isn't he equal parts white. Why does no one recognize his whiteness and just his blackness? Am I the only one who thinks like this?

Now, don't call me a minority lover. But it doesn't make sense.

We liberal whites are patting ourselves on the back and keep mouthing "we elected the first black president, the first black president" about a million times a day. All while that phrase itself is loaded with racism. We don't we say we elected the first "biracial president." 

Thursday, October 31, 2013


What is it with all these old rich Republicans going on and on about banning abortion. Take away their money and strap them with six kids - a couple of them handicapped and mentally challenged and let's see how fast they will believe in abortion.

They are all for the rights of fetuses but don't want to help the fetus in terms of affordable healthcare, food stamps, welfare once it comes out of the uterus.

One would think for all their hatred for immigrants they would be so much for offering these people free abortion. The fact is some kids should be aborted. Anyone can have a kid but not every one can raise it to be a decent human being. Some parents really should not be having kids. Make abortion as free and easily available as possible, I say. Let's get rid of the deadwood.

This world makes no wonder I stick to my shopping.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


First I was delighted to hear about Obamacare. I figured if I could save a couple hundred bucks a month and put them towards my botox injections.

However, now that I have been shopping around on the site [when it works] I have discovered these plans are not so great and not all that different from pre-Obamacare plans.

The new plans are cheap but they all require HUGE deductibles even to just see a doctor. So I would have to pay $300 a month for a plan PLUS $3000 deductible before I can go in to see a doctor via insurance. Since I just need to see a few doctors a year why don't I just pay out of pocket $170-200 per visit and save the $300/month for insurance. Bottom line is the healthcare plans being offered via government SUCK. Who the hell is going to be able to afford them?

Healthcare plans with no deductibles run $600/month SAME  as BEFORE Obamacare. These are the plans one gets through employers.

Obamacare is better then temp agency plans which require $200/month and limit your coverage to $1000 but they are not as great as I originally thought. More research is required though as I just can't believe the government would force us to buy such expensive insurance.